Welcome to levi
The App is now open, how exciting is this! We have created user accounts for all registered participants who have provided us with their email address. Please note that one email address cannot be used for multiple users.
Interski 2023 App Instructions in PDF
The below instructions have been emailed to Presenters and Delegate Leaders on February 28th and to all other participants on March 2nd. If you have not received such email, please check your junk mail for email from Eventos (no-reply@eventos.fi).
The App will allow you to register for overlapping sessions, but we will not, as someone else will then have no seat at that point in time! If you have registered for overlapping sessions, we will remove you from the extra sessions. We will not consult you about which one to keep. It may not be your number one choice then. So please make sure you register only for one session at any point in time.
Please keep in mind that the outdoor workshops (120 min) and indoor workshops (90-120 min) are on each morning at (10-12) from Monday to Friday and on afternoons (13:30-15:30) on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Lecture-in/ski-out sessions (120 min) are at the same time as outdoor and indoor workshops. The 45-minute lectures (indoors) are at 16:30-17:15 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and at 13:30-14:15 and 14:30-15:15 on Friday. The high-level agenda visualizing the above is available at https://interski2023.com/theme-and-content.
To access the app, please take the following steps:
Install Eventos Mobile (by Prospectum) in App Store or Play Store. You may need to search with Eventos Mobile Prospectum. If your App or Play store does not find the app, use Google search for Eventos Mobile.
Open the App. Feed pin code 2233.
For activation, feed the email address to which you received this invitation email.
Go to your mail box to find the activation email from Eventos. Click the actions link. You should now be able to enter the Interski even in the App. If not, please see further down this page for support.
Modifying your profile
To make the best use of the great networking possibilities offered by this event, we would like all the App users to introduce themselves in the App. Please do the following:
On the Front page, click Participants. Alternatively, navigate to Side menu from in the top left corner and click Participants.
Search for your own name. Click your name and then click My profile. You can now feed your photo and all the relevant information which you wish to share with the other participants. You can choose to show or hide your email address and phone number.
Click Save.
Planning which sessions to attend
We will open the registration for the workshops and lectures on Wednesday March 8th at 15hrs Finnish time (UTC +2). This will allow everyone to get into the App and study the details of the sessions and the presenters. We recommend you to plan ahead which workshops and lectures you wish to attend. You can do it in the following ways:
Navigate to Program from Front page or from Side menu in the top left corner.
If you have certain preferences regarding disciplines, session types, target groups, or the presenting countries or organizations, you can use the filter in the top right corner.
Blue themes are disciplines
Red themes are session types
Orange themes are target groups
Purple themes are countries
Pink themes are the international associations.
You can build a combination filter, for example snowboard sessions targeted at instructors.
Once you find a session of interest, click the start icon on the left side of the session, making it your Favorite. Do this to all such sessions that interest you.
NOTE: Program shows the offering day by day. If you wish to see the entire offering of a certain country, please go the Front page and click Presenters. Then search for the country of interest and click it. Under the country flag, click the right tab Presentations. You can now see a full list of presentations by the country of your interest, for all the days.Once you have collected all the sessions that interest you into your Favorites, navigate to your Favorites listing through Front Page or Side menu. You can now do a bit of screening on the overlapping sessions, but we do recommend you to keep at least two alternatives for each workshop/lecture slot (10:00, 13:30, 16:30) in case your first choice fills up before you get to register. Outdoor workshops can accommodate 23 guests per trainer, indoor workshops 40 per trainer if the meeting room so allows. Lectures are limited only by the meeting room capacity.
List of sessions is available at https://interski2023.com/detailed-program, it may help in your planning process. Please note that the list is updated only periodically – the real-time info is always in the Interski App.
Registering for sessions
As stated, we will open the registration to the workshops and lectures on Wednesday March 8th at 15hrs Finnish time (UTC +2). We will notify you about this in the App. Registering is very straight forward: There will be a Register button under each session. Just go to your Favorites, or if you have not picked your favorites, into the Program and register to the sessions of your liking!
Support Request
If you have questions or need support in using the App, please check out the FAQ at the end of this page. If you still have questions, please leave your support request at https://www.lyyti.fi/questions/2ef1ad99d6
FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
I cannot access, the App says I am not a recognized user.
This is the situation if your delegate leader has registered you to the event with someone else’s email address or has not been able to provide an email address for you at all. We have already identified such users and have asked the delegate leaders for valid email addresses. You are welcome to speed up the process by providing your email address through the Support Request!
If the session is full, can I queue for a cancellation seat?
The answer is no, unfortunately you cannot. We will monitor the registration process and will do our best to arrange more seats if, for example, the meeting room is the limiting factor or if the host country can arrange more trainers for the session in question. We will inform all the participants well ahead in News if we are able to open up more seats for certain sessions.
Will the app show me my own program, consisting of the sessions I have registered in?
No, it will not. There are sessions for which you do not register, such as the technical runs, show runs, keynotes, GA meetings, lunch, dinner and the parties. These would fall outside your tailored program. BUT you can build your program by using the Favorites – just tick the star on all the sessions you have registered in, as well as the above-listed program and ta-da, there you have it!
I accidentally registered in overlapping sessions and my preferred registration was removed. Can we reverse?
You can unregister yourself and then register to the other session if there are still seats. If not, we recommend you to keep your secondary registration in place and follow the News to see if more seats open up in your preferred session.